I don't claim any of these pictures.. there the scrapbooks and feelings of the time they passed in and out of my life.. feel free to share them.

I'd like to tell today's youth that no matter where life takes you, big cities, small towns, you'll inevitably come across small minded People who think they're better than you. People who think that material things, or being pretty or popular, automatically make you a worthwhile human being. I'd like to tell today's youth that none of these things matter. Unless you have a strength of character, intergtity, ... and if you're lucky enough to have any of these things, don't ever sell out. Don't ever sell out. So when you meet a person for the first time, don't judge them by their station in life, 'cause who knows, that person just might end up being your best friend.

this blog is to remind myself of change.. in the good ways and bad.. and to keep going and to do nothing but look back in fond memory and smile...

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Two Names You Go By

1. Amy
2. Apple

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. English/French
2. German

Two things that scare you
1. Airplanes /heights
2. Love

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Boots
2. Sunflower Seeds

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Jeans
2. White Tank

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists
1. The Zombies
2. Devendra Banhart

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Blogging
2. Thrifting

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. A new car
2. A record player

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. London
2. LA

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Answer all the questions I have
2. Fall in love

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. I need to find a job
2. I hope this summer starts getting better

Two Stores You Shop At
1. Salvation Army
2. H&M

Two favorite web sites
1. Facebook
2. Playlist.com

Two Favorite Sports
1. Football (Shocking huh)
2. .... uhhh

Two things you did last night
1. Filled out applications
2. Had a heart to heart with a good friend

Two shows you like to watch
1. Golden Girls
2. Cosby Show

Two places you like to go to
1. Maybe a record store
2. Frozen yogurt sounds amazing

Two Favorite People
1. My mom
2. My best friend

Two Favorite Subjects In School
1. History
2. Art

Two Favorite Places to eat
1. The Thai House
2. The Co-op

Two things you like about yourself (physical)
1. Eyes
2. Lips

Two things you ate today
1. Leftover potato salad
2. cheese

Two people you last talked to
1. Jessika
2. My Father

Two Things you’re doing tomorrow
1. Looking for jobs, or volunteer work
2. ...

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